Crypto Betting
    بورصة العملات المشفرة

    بورصة العملات المشفرة

    Provide address information to create a transaction 💸

    1 of 3
    • 1
      Wallet address

      Set the preferred exchange pair & fill in the crypto wallet address details

    • 2

      Deposit the amount required for the exchange

    • 3

      Wait for your transaction to be completed

    Crypto exchange

    Floating rate
    Fixed rate
    Floating exchange rate

    Your amount could change depending on the market conditions.

    Fixed exchange rate

    Your amount will remain the same irrespective of the changes on the market.

    Fixed rate updates every 30 seconds
    1 BTC ~ 31.15440315 ETH • All fees
    Exchange fee 0.25% — 0.07819880 ETH
    Network fee — 0.00044021 ETH
    0.07819880 ETH
    0.00044021 ETH
    5-30 minutes
    5-30 minutes
    30 seconds

    Wallet address